Alireza Moaddab | Medical Extern
Thyroid Scan Patient ID: P3332147 Age: 040Y Procedure: 201 minutes following IÆ injection of 5 mCi 99m Tc-pertechnetate thyroid imaging was perormed in anterior neck projection. Findings: The study demonstrates enlarged thyroid gland with globally increased radiotracer uptake and an area of absent uptake in the lateral aspect of the right thyroid lobe, Upper anterior midline activity is visible. Study Name: Thyroid. Scan Impression: Multinodular goiter with a prominent cold nodule in the lateral part of the right lobe. FNA is advised. Globally increased radiotracer uptake throug hout the thyroid, suggestive of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (in the context of patient's clinical and Lab data) Pyramidal lobe is present.